

During the course of reading this one book, it was not good as I thought it was. When I read this book I was pretty much lost. I didn’t know what was going on or who the characters were. At home I when I read the story I dozed off after reading hundreds of pages. This is because I don’t read at all for fun. When I do read it I would read it usually isn’t for fun and that just discourages me to read at all. The only book that I remember reading completely is “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss.  When I read I usually read in a library, school, and at home. I sometimes read for fun, but I usually read because I have too.  When I choose “The Children of Hurin” picked it because i watched the entire Lord of the Rings movies and I thought it would be something I could easily like to read, but I was wrong. I should have changed books since it was boing but I didn’t hoping it would get better. Because of this I did have a hard time meeting the weekly page quota. Also since I have 20 other books to read for school it made it almost impossible to read this book.  When I did find a chance to read I read in silence because if it wasn’t quiet then I will not be able to concentrate. I don’t usually talk about books with other people because I don’t feel that I need too. After reading this book I really don’t want to read another book, but I will read as much as I can for the fun of it. Also I still need to read regardless so I can pass my classes.   


Currently 2x...

The Children of Hurin, J.R.R. Tolken
Last week: 19 pages
This week: 5
Total: 24 pages


1. "If you wail, other things will find you first."
2. "For onset against ou foe I long, rather than defence."
3. "This is Orc-work in the woods! Orc-work there was; this is only Orc-play"



So far this story has been interesting even though it doesn't a lot of the fighting and killing has slowed down. Even though it has been like this for a few chapters it is still interesting. The characters were in the forest on their way to find Hurin until they were stopped by the elves because they were trespassing in their forest. But were allowed to move forward since the they were affiliated with Hurin. The elves then have a long conversation with the travelers about where they were going to and eventually tell them where to go using a confusing elves way. The travelers were confused at first but somehow figured out the riddle and continued to on until reaching this ancient door that lead to mines of moria. In the book the door and the environment around it looks much greener and lush than what it did in the Lord of the Rings movie. They again need to solve the riddle to enter the mines. The characters had a conflict among each other when deciding what it is. This makes the story become boring and not interesting just like this post. When they enter the mines they are greeted by the dwarfs in their city. The king of the dwarfs welcomes the travelers. The story goes into detail in the city and the people and how they live, making the story very boring at this point. The dwarf then introduces them to the king of the dwarfs and he was much older but still able to maneuver around his kingdom. After that part I stopped because I feel asleep……....


The poem "I Believe" by Jim Harrision is a lower type of language. It has a serious style of writing when the writer expresses how he believes on the many things that he must like. It also sounds as if he concerned when he says, "I believe in steep drop-offs, the thunderstorm across the lake in 1949, cold winds and empty swimming pool." The word "believe" is very serious also in this poem too. In the poem "Looming Gloom" by Austi Bruck is also a lower language. When he uses words like "gloom" it is very depressing. It is also depressing and sad when the author says, "These dark clouds, they hang so low." The poem "Bestfriend" has a higher language because of its happier and joyful style. It has a happy style when the author says, "It sounds like lullaby."


Week 8...

This Week: 14 pages
Total: 130 pages

The book so far was very exciting and entertaining. I wish that i could be in the story so that i can kill orcs and stuff. When i read this book it seemed that the language or the way that the book was written was very complex, making me goes back and read it again. The characters so far are very interesting and cool. Even though the good guys cool I think that the villains are better because of the how they are portrayed and visualized like the character Morgoth. My favorite part of the story was when all of the orcs killed all of the war soldiers and staked them. I basically read this book because of all the fights and magic and other cool things they have in more than the actual story. When I read this book I usually read this at night because every time i read a book it puts me to sleep. This is what i usually do when I read a book because I don’t like to read. Hopefully I can complete my goal of reading this entire book in a decant time so that I can move on to the next one.



Children of Hurin, J.R.R. Tolken
This week: 35 pages
Total: 133 pages

Sentences of the Quater:

1. "Then Morgoth laughed, and he said: 'Death you may yet crave of me as a boon.'"

2. "And the sun glittered on fifty blades as they leaped forth, and the court rang with the battle-cry of the Edain of the North: Lacho calad! Drego morn! Flame Light! Flee Night!"

3. "This is Orc-work in the woods! Orc-work there was; this is only Orc-play"


Morgoth kept him in his seat...


The Children of Hurin, J.R.R. Tolken
This week: 28 pages
Total: 98 pages


1. "If you wail, other things will find you first."
2. "For onset against ou foe I long, rather than defence."
3. "This is Orc-work in the woods! Orc-work there was; this is only Orc-play"